Hart Hodges
Hart joined Waycross in 2011, welcoming the chance to blend his work in academia with investment management.
At Waycross, Hart enjoys engaging with clients and working with the other advisors to design and manage portfolios. He has a variety of duties as a principal, including compliance and oversight of Waycross’ proprietary statistical model that ranks stocks. Hart is particularly interested in socially and environmentally responsible investing. He also enjoys using his analytical skills in the area of retirement planning.
Dr. Hodges is also an Associate Professor of Economics at Western Washington University, where he serves as the director of the university’s Center for Economic and Business Research. His academic research interests include natural resource and environmental economics, health economics, and local economic development.
Hart received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Washington, his Masters in Environmental Management from Duke University, and his BA from Williams College. He is past president of the Association of University Business and Economic Research and a member of the National Association of Business Economics. In addition to his academic work, he has held several positions in the private sector and was a research associate at the World Resource Institute. Locally, Hart has served on volunteer committees such as the City of Bellingham’s Budget Advisory Committee and Affordable Housing Task Force. He currently serves as a board member for multiple non-profit organizations.
When not in the office, Hart plays tennis, enjoys spending time with family, and teaches yoga. OK, the part about yoga isn’t true. He can’t even touch his toes.

Hart is particularly interested in socially and environmentally responsible investing. He also enjoys using his analytical skills in the area of retirement planning.
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